Monday, September 26, 2005

WILD BOYS IN SEATTLE!! And an Addendum to the Thaddilicious List!

When I came around the corner, they knew they had been caught! They told me they were going to have some soup together, but I assumed (I know, I know; silly Mommy! SILLY MOMMY!) the dining a deux would involve a bib, a booster seat and a . . . SPOON! (Silly Mommy, SILLY MOMMY!)

They were so excited . . . Thad was eating non-jarred, non-boiled-and-mashed-to-within-an-inch-of-its-life, prepared-with-spices, big-people food! AND HE COULD PUT WHOLE FISTSFUL IN HIS MOUTH! IN RAPID SUCCESSION! WITHOUT SWALLOWING INBETWEEN!! His dad is so proud. So we had to photograph it. And photograph it. And photograph it some more.

I am SOOOOO grateful that there is digital media now! That alone is almost worth my not having a baby until I was 40! Otherwise, we would be broke: the film, developing, reprints, sending to family would bankrupt us LONG before the food bill! Now I can click to my heart's content. (Although Thad's future bride may not be so thrilled when I sit her down to show her "just a few pictures of Thad as he was growing up . . . he was so cute! It won't take too long. Let me rev up the 100-gigabyte hard drive . . ." )

Of course, all good things must come to an end and shoveling all those fistsful of food into a mouth takes a lot of CONCENTRATION and ENERGY and EFFORT! So all that's left to do is clean up.

What's that you say? You need help cleaning him up? I thought this was a Wild Boys activity! I am just here to record the event . . .

But who can resist that pouty plea? And Thad was pretty cute, too!

THADDILICIOUS ADDENDUM: He also WAVES BYE-BYE! He is proud, but I think I am even prouder! I crow loudly and point it out to everyone: "Look! He's waving goodbye! Isn't he the cutest!? I mean, really . . . isn't he just so adorable?!" Pete and I are so over-the-top.

Still. What's not to be over-the-top about? Look at our Thaddypus!

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