So here are the Ten Things That Make Thad Thaddilicious:
10. He is SO EASY! He doesn't cry very much. He eats well. He plays well. He is smart. He enjoys life and loves to be enjoyed.
9. He is SO FUN! He loooovvvveeessssss to laugh. He laughs at our laughter. He laughs at his rocking chair. He laughs at himself in the mirror. He will even laugh in the midst of crying!
8. He LOVES MY MUSIC!! Thad will fall asleep to me singing hymns. He has a special thing for Julie Andrews (sorry, Pete). He enjoys a good country song. But best of all, he gets the biggest kick out of "I'm a Little Pile of Tin," the best song in the world.
7. He is GORGEOUS. While shopping the other day in a few different stores, I was stopped no fewer than five times and told how beautiful my baby is and how huge his eyes are and what a great flirty-bird he is!
6. He CRAWLS LIKE A LAND CRAB! My son has invented a new, more fun way of crawling: instead of two hands and two knees, he prefers two hands, a left foot and a right knee. He is quite fast and I think it bodes well for a love of seafood!
5. He has a NEW SNAGGLETOOTH! He went to bed toothless as a little old mountain man and woke up with a razor-sharp, pearly-white, oh-so-useful TOOTH. We think more may come, but so far . . .
4. He LOVES HIS DAD AND MOURNS WHEN HE LEAVES FOR WORK. Thad clutches onto his daddy's button-down shirt, lays his head on his chest and looks away from me as if to say, "If I don't see you, you don't exist and my dad will stay home and wrestle with me!" (He graciously only cries a few minutes when Daddy leaves so my heart isn't completely ripped out of my chest.)
3. HE IS A CLEAN-FREAK! He loves to take a cloth (his favorite is the red and white one knitted by his Great Grandma Johnnie) and wipe off his little rocking chair, the coffee table, his little rocking chair, his little rocking chair some more . . . I told him that I get the message and I will start dusting once a week even though those EVIL MEN WHO ARE BUILDING A BOX HOUSE ON A POSTAGE-STAMP-SIZE OF LAND ARE KICKING UP ALL KINDS OF DIRT, VIA NOISE THAT INTERRUPTS YOUR NAP, EVERY SINGLE DAY. Um, but he is clean and I like that in a person.
2. He UNDERSTANDS ME! zabjzzzzzzzzzbJ (the previous communication brought to you by Thaddilicious Thaddeus). I ask him to take off his bib--he does it. I ask him to find his binky--he does it. I tell him no--HE DOES IT!
1. HIS FIRST WORD WAS "YEA!" How great is that?! Yea!
That's exactly my sentiment, Thad. We have you in our lives . . . Daddy and I continually say, "YEA!"
We know the excitement of getting a present- we love to unwrap it to see what is inside. So it is with our children – they are gifts we unwrap for years as we discover the unique characters God has made them.
--Cornelius Plantinga
--Cornelius Plantinga
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