Friday, May 30, 2008

Heard in Our House Lately

So, Thad has been on a linguistic roll lately. I knew you would want to hear the pearls dripping from his lips!

Background: “Poof” Car had been missing for about a month, which had caused quite a bit of consternation.

(Daddy and Thad putting on their coats to go to church. Thad was wearing a coat he hadn’t worn in about, oh, a month.)

(As he puts his hands in his pockets):

“Dad! Look! I found Poof Car!

“Wow, Thad, that’s great!”

“He was in my pocket!”

“Good job finding him. Where did you think he was?”

“Well, I thought either a monster or Sethie had taken him.”

(Seth is his cousin who is about 15 months younger than him but who does share some traits with Calvin of Calvin & Hobbes.)

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