Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm . . . . Of course you do, Thad!
"I didn't expect this! I didn't prepare anything to say! Oh my! There's so many people to thank!"
"You know, I really worked hard for this. I never thought I would be able to sleep without my mom. But my parents never gave up on me. They believed in me. They seemed to want it more than I did!"
"Wow. I am just so stunned. I just tried to do my best, you know? I did some research on how it felt for others to sleep in their own beds and then tried to step into that experience, you know? I didn't want to let my audience down. It's all for them, you know?"
"It's definitely been my most demanding work--it has just made me dig deep inside myself. And I asked myself repeatedly: 'Can you really do this?' And my parents kept reassuring me that I could. I really, really, really could!"
"I'm King of the Bed!"
That is hilarious!!!!
He forgot the part in his speech where he gives all the glory to God, you know? :) Way, way too cute!
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