Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Heard in Our House Lately, Part Trois

"StormTrooperMom, I just saw Darth Vader behind the red couch. He tried to take my gun, but I had my finger in the hole."

"Oh, good for you, StormTrooperThad! Can't let him get the gun!"

"No! But StormTrooperMom, why is it so hard to defeat him? Why, why is it so hard to defeat him, StormTrooperMom???"

Monday, July 07, 2008

Thaddeus & His Water World

After a bad experience during swimmin lessons last year (the pool heater had broken and they didn't tell anyone and they little two-year-olds had blue lips and shivery bodies), Thad has been very cool toward the pool.

However, peer pressure came to the rescue. When the object of Thad's affection, his cousin Eliza the Lovely, jumped in sporting pink ruffled water wings, Thad just needed a little "coaxing" to strap on his manly blue water wings and get in. To the sounds of all his aunties and cousins cheering him on, he started paddling all over the pool and stayed in for well over an hour!

The aforementioned Eliza the Lovely!

Isn't he delightful!

How Old Am I?

As we were telling Thad about the Fourth of July, he was interested to know what it was really all about, which is hard to explain in three-year-old vocabulary! We told him about the Revolutionary War and how our country was started, etc., and all I could picture was Thad was hearing what the kids on the Peanuts cartoons heard when their parents or teachers were talking to them: "Mwah-mwah-mwah . . . Mwah-mwah-mwah-mwah!"

So then I told him about the parade we were going to attend.

"Mama, what's a parade?"
"Well, it's a line of people on floats, in cars, on bikes, etc., who are there to celebrate the anniversary of our independence. There will be clowns, too."
"Clowns?!?! I haven't seen clowns in my whole five years, Mama!!"

Wow, Thad. How sad. Particularly since YOU ARE ONLY THREE!

Uncle Matt showed up in Forest Lake at 5a to get us front row seats!

Is there anything better than a parade with your favorite cousins!?

Well, someone has to do the dirty work. God bless this guy!