Monday, January 22, 2007

DING! You're TWO!

Dear Thaddeus Evan Woodrow:

A few months ago, you hit a landmark: you turned two years old! Unfortunately, it happened in the midst of preparation for a cross-country move and so I didn't get to blog your birthday. But I don't mind being late--I just want to make sure that we mark it, because you are magnificent, Son.

Your da and I still marvel daily at your presence in our lives. You are such an easy, fun and delightful child! Even when you are naughty--which doesn't seem to happen more than one or two times a day--you repent so easily and with real sorrow, that even the "hard" times aren't too hard.

Not to say you are perfect: the other night, when I returned to the bathroom and found at least one-third of the tub water (no exaggeration!) on the floor and you merrily scooping more out, delightful wasn't the word that immediately came to mind! You were having great fun and when I came in, you looked up at me, raised that darling left eyebrow at me, pointed at the bathroom floor and said, "I scoop water, Mama!" My first thought was, "Why are you trying to ruin my life?" The next was, "Ooh, that's my problem not his!" The third thought was, "Wow, he is really proud of himself--and he spoke to me in a sentence! Yea!" The final thought was, "Can you put a naked boy in Time Out?"

Yes, we have entered the Time Out Era. THEY say that time should last one minute for each year old the child is. So last month, we started two-minute time-outs. We put you in a chair facing a corner. When we put you there we always explain why you are spending time there and you always shake your head sadly, as if agreeing with us that you do need to be in Time Out. The first time I put you there, I let you know why you were in there, that you were to be quiet in Time Out and that I would set the kitchen timer for two minutes. When you heard the bell ding, then you could get out.

Your dad and I wondered how this would go. I set the timer and then we stood there looking at each other. Well, you were amazing. I think about 20 seconds went by without a peep out of you. I was so proud of you; then, about five seconds later I heard a little voice call out, "DING!" You turned and looked at us with a big smile!

Two minutes is such. a. long. long. long. time. when. you. are. two. years. old.

You love to sing and Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star is your first song that you initiate to sing. You also love Jesus Loves Me and you fall asleep easily when I sing Blessed Assurance, Oh How I Love Jesus and Holy, Holy, Holy.

You are growing like a weed and we can't seem to keep you in pants. You finally hit the 50% for weight (up from the 5%) and your dad about threw you a party!

You are concerned that I remember you are my baby. A few times a week you crawl into my lap and say, "I your baby."
Thad in his co-sleeper.
I assure you that you will always be my baby but that you are also my little boy. It is a mama's task to assure you of your place in her heart and in the world, and I want you to know that you have an immutable place in my heart. Still, I also want you to know that I want you to grow up and fly the nest. I am counting on God's perfecting work in you so that you will impact this world in such a way as to make His kingdom more visible.
You started preschool this week at Teddy Bear Junction. This new step highlighted the ambivalence you and I have regarding this growing up process. I don't think I was ever as proud as you as I was when you cautiously but bravely walked into your classroom and simply began playing with the toys. I knew it was hard for you to leave me, but you didn't cling or sob or dissolve. You gave me a last touch and then you moved into your new world.
The classroom has a shaded window at which the parents can stand and watch without the children seeing us. I stood there for 10 or 15 minutes, tears running down my face and love unbelievably expanding in my heart. You did very well both days, Thaddeus!
Your favorite things to do with your da are hunting dinosaurs and ghosts (at which you wiggle your fingers and whisper, " 'pooky, Dada!"), playing engineer with your trains,

zooming cars around the house, and playing in water.
Your dad stood by while you played in the water!
Your favorite thing to do with Mama: cuddle.

You run through the house calling out, "Superhero!" (through your binky, often)
Those are your sleeper pajamas fastened 'round your neck!
You also like to draw (and hold your crayons and pens like an adult), you enjoy playdough, cleaning (go figure), wearing your lion mask and growling, riding your trike around the yard and the house, bathtime

and pretty girls.

Jess & You saying goodbye . . .
You and Katielyn had way too much fun!
You LOVE chocolate, cake, cookies and can smell on our breath if we have had anything remotely sweet!

On your second birthday

More and more you are wanting to be like your dad. When you hear the garage door open at night, you run to the door to the garage, start pounding on it and yelling, "Knock, knock, Da! Knock, knock, DaDa!" When you hear his car door shut, you go even more wild so that when he finally opens the door, you often fall over backwards in hysterical laughter and then fly into his arms!

It is not uncommon for you to walk up to your dad, put your arms around him, and say, "You're my best." (We tell you you're the best a lot and I think you have picked it up!)

You had a great second birthday! The actual day was shared with the Shettlers, whom we adore. You enjoyed diving into the cake; who needs a song?

Your Bob-the-Builder-themed party was well-attended. You played Pin-the-Wrench-on-Bob. Your girlfriend, Jess, made your cake (THANK YOU, JESS!! THANK YOU!!!!!). You received wonderful presents and generally had a wonderful time!

Your other best friend is Curious George. I think I know every frame of the Curious George movie now. Luckily, it is a great movie!

George also made an appearance at Christmas!

We have a lot of fun with you and we love our family! We so anticipate watching you grow into a three year old!

Self-taken on Christmas Day; you hardly know what to do with us!

Thaddeus, you are a gift, a delight, a treasure, an imp, a genius, a beloved little boy.


Mama (& Dada!)